ANGADJAVA Code Samples Bytes Integrate Spring Boot with WhatsApp using the Twilio API

Integrate Spring Boot with WhatsApp using the Twilio API

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Here’s an example of how you can integrate Spring Boot with WhatsApp using the Twilio API, which allows programmatic access to the WhatsApp Business API:

  1. Set Up a Twilio Account:
  2. Create a Spring Boot Project:
    • Initialize a new Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr ( or your preferred IDE.
    • Include the necessary dependencies in your project’s pom.xml (for Maven) or build.gradle (for Gradle). Add the following dependencies:
      • spring-boot-starter-web: for building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot.
      • com.twilio.sdk:twilio: the Twilio Java SDK for interacting with the Twilio API.
  3. Configure Twilio API Credentials:
    • In your or application.yml file, configure the Twilio API credentials:
      • twilio.account.sid: Your Twilio account SID.
      • twilio.auth.token: Your Twilio authentication token.
      • Your Twilio phone number for WhatsApp.
  4. Implement WhatsApp Integration Logic:
    • Create a controller or service class to handle WhatsApp integration. Here’s an example of sending a WhatsApp message using Twilio:
import com.twilio.Twilio;
import com.twilio.type.PhoneNumber;
public class WhatsAppController {
    private String twilioAccountSid;
    private String twilioAuthToken;
    private String twilioPhoneNumber;
    public void sendWhatsAppMessage(@RequestParam("to") String to, @RequestParam("message") String message) {
        Twilio.init(twilioAccountSid, twilioAuthToken);
        Message.creator(new PhoneNumber(to), new PhoneNumber(twilioPhoneNumber), message).create();
  1. Configure Webhooks and Handle Incoming Messages:
    • Configure a webhook URL in your Twilio account to receive incoming messages from WhatsApp. This URL should point to an endpoint in your Spring Boot application.
    • Create an endpoint in your controller to handle incoming webhook notifications and process incoming messages from WhatsApp.
public void handleWebhook(@RequestParam("from") String from, @RequestParam("body") String body) {
    // Process the incoming message from WhatsApp
    // Add your custom logic here
  1. Test and Deploy:
    • Run your Spring Boot application and test the integration by sending a POST request to the /sendWhatsApp endpoint with the recipient’s phone number and message content.
    • Verify that the message is successfully sent to the specified WhatsApp number.
    • Deploy your Spring Boot application to your chosen server or hosting platform.

This example demonstrates the basic implementation of sending messages through WhatsApp using Twilio with Spring Boot. You can expand upon this foundation to handle more complex functionality, such as receiving and processing incoming messages, managing contacts, and implementing additional WhatsApp features.

Remember to refer to the Twilio documentation and review their WhatsApp API documentation for further details and advanced usage scenarios.

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